Types of Massages Offered
Relaxation massage: Need a break from it all? Just want to feel better, looser, less stressed? This is the massage for you. A relaxing massage helps you reconnect to your body and guides your body (and mind) to a quiet, less chaotic state. Massage doesn’t have to be light in pressure to be relaxing. Our therapists adjust their pressure to a client’s specific needs, just let them know before your session starts.
Therapeutic massage: The term “therapeutic” represents different massage modalities whose intention is to use specific techniques designed to find and address some of the root causes for limited range of motion and chronic pain. Our therapists will work within your comfort zones with clear communication on the purpose and context of the work being performed. At Sagewell, we provide a team’s resources and knowledge to your care.
Combination relaxation/therapeutic massage: It’s the most popular type of massage because you may not need a full session on trouble areas so there’s plenty of time for the good, relaxing stuff too! This combination of specific and general bodywork helps you get the best of both worlds and your body will love you for it!