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Published on May 01, 2018

7 Personal Safety Tips You Can Use Every Day

7 Personal Safety Tips You Can Use Every Day

Spring has officially sprung! The days are getting longer and warmer, and people are spending more time outdoors, whether it's hitting the walking trails at lunchtime, browsing the local shopping centers or working in the yard. Unfortunately, nicer weather can also bring out robbers, burglars and thieves.

Here are five tips you can use every day to stay safe this spring:

  1. Walk with purpose, keeping your head up and eyes peeled for potential danger. Put your cellphone away and be sure to make eye contact with those around you. This sends a message of self-confidence and could cause a potential attacker to choose a less-aware victim.
  2. Park in busy, well-lit areas, particularly in parking decks and at shopping centers. The more isolated the area, the greater the chance a thief will strike.
  3. Remember to keep exterior doors locked at all times, even when you are at home. If you're doing yard work and have the overhead garage door open, be sure to close it before moving to the backyard.
  4. Lock your car doors even when parked in your driveway.
  5. If you see something or someone suspicious, alert the proper authorities.
  6. Do not leave packages or valuables in your car. If you must, secure all packages and valuables out of sight in the trunk of your car before you reach your destination or as discreetly as possible to prevent detection by a watching thief.
  7. Use ATM machines during daylight hours only.

Awareness of your own personal safety and taking effective measures reduces your chances of becoming a victim.

About the Author

7 Personal Safety Tips You Can Use Every Day

Donald W. Causey is the Cone Health Corporate Director of Security Services